Class RRMAlgorithm

  • public class RRMAlgorithm
    extends Object
    RRM algorithm model and utility methods.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RRMAlgorithm

        public RRMAlgorithm​(String name)
        Constructor (with no arguments).
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static RRMAlgorithm parse​(String name,
                                         String argsRaw)
        Construct an RRMAlgorithm with a raw arguments string.
        name - the algorithm name, which must exist in RRMAlgorithm.AlgorithmType
        argsRaw - the arguments as a comma-separated list of key=value pairs, e.g. key1=val1,key2=val2,key3=val3
        the parsed object, or null if parsing failed
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Return the algorithm name.
      • run

        public RRMAlgorithm.AlgorithmResult run​(DeviceDataManager deviceDataManager,
                                                ConfigManager configManager,
                                                Modeler modeler,
                                                String zone,
                                                boolean dryRun,
                                                boolean allowDefaultMode,
                                                boolean updateImmediately)
        Run the algorithm.
        deviceDataManager - the device data manager
        configManager - the ConfigManager module instance
        modeler - the Modeler module instance
        zone - the RF zone
        dryRun - if set, do not apply changes
        allowDefaultMode - if false, "mode" argument must be present and valid (returns error if invalid)
        updateImmediately - true if the method should queue the zone for update and interrupt the config manager thread to trigger immediate update
        the algorithm result, with exactly one field set ("error" upon failure, any others upon success)