Class WifiScanEntryResult

    • Field Detail

      • channel

        public int channel
      • last_seen

        public long last_seen
      • signal

        public int signal
        Signal strength measured in dBm
      • bssid

        public String bssid
        BSSID is the MAC address of the device
      • tsf

        public long tsf
      • ht_oper

        public String ht_oper
        ht_oper is short for "high throughput operation element". Note that this field, when non-null, contains some information already present in other fields. This field may be null, however, since pre-802.11n BSSs do not support HT. For BSSs that do support HT, HT is supported on the 2G and 5G bands. This field is specified as 24 bytes, but it is encoded in base64. It is likely the case that the first byte (the Element ID, which should be 61 for ht_oper) and the second byte (Length) are omitted in the wifi scan results, resulting in 22 bytes, which translates to a 32 byte base64 encoded String.
      • vht_oper

        public String vht_oper
        vht_oper is short for "very high throughput operation element". Note that this field, when non-null, contains some information already present in other fields. This field may be null, however, since pre-802.11ac BSSs do not support HT. For BSSs that do support VHT, VHT is supported on the 5G band. VHT operation is controlled by both the HT operation element and the VHT operation element. For information about about the contents of this field, its encoding, etc., please see the javadoc for ht_oper first. The vht_oper likely operates similarly.
      • capability

        public int capability
      • frequency

        public int frequency
    • Constructor Detail

      • WifiScanEntryResult

        public WifiScanEntryResult()
        Default Constructor.