Class LocalPowerConstraint

  • public class LocalPowerConstraint
    extends Object
    This information element (IE) appears in wifiscan entries. It is called "Local Power Constraint" in these entries, and just "Power Constraint" in the 802.11 specification (section Refer to the specification for more details. Language in javadocs is taken from the specification.
    • Field Detail

      • localPowerConstraint

        public final short localPowerConstraint
        Unsigned 8 bits - units are dB.

        The local maximum transmit power for a channel is defined as the maximum transmit power level specified for the channel in the Country IE minus this variable for the given channel.

    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalPowerConstraint

        public LocalPowerConstraint​(short localPowerConstraint)
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static LocalPowerConstraint parse​( contents)
        Parse LocalPowerConstraint IE from appropriate Json object.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object