Class HTOperation

  • public class HTOperation
    extends Object
    High Throughput (HT) Operation Element, which is potentially present in wifiscan entries. Introduced in 802.11n (2009). Refer to the 802.11 specification (section
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      byte[] basicHtMcsSet
      Indicates the HT-MCS values that are supported by all HT STAs in the BSS.
      byte channelCenterFrequencySegment2
      Defines the channel center frequency for a 160 or 80+80 MHz BSS bandwidth with NSS support less than Max VHT NSS.
      boolean dualBeacon
      False if no STBC beacon is transmitted; true otherwise.
      boolean dualCtsProtection
      False if dual CTS protection is not required; true otherwise.
      byte htProtection
      A 0 indicates no protection mode.
      boolean nongreenfieldHtStasPresent
      False if all HT STAs that are associated are HT-greenfield capable or all HT peer mesh STAs are HT-greenfield capable; true otherwise.
      boolean obssNonHtStasPresent
      Indicates if the use of protection for non-HT STAs by overlapping BSSs is determined to be desirable.
      byte primaryChannel
      Channel number of the primary channel.
      boolean rifsMode
      True if RIFS is permitted; false otherwise.
      byte secondaryChannelOffset
      Indicates the offset of the secondary channel relative to the primary channel.
      boolean staChannelWidth
      Defines the channel widths that can be used to transmit to the STA.
      boolean stbcBeacon
      False in a primary beacon.
      static int TYPE
      Defined in 802.11 table 9-92
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      HTOperation​(byte primaryChannel, byte secondaryChannelOffset, boolean staChannelWidth, boolean rifsMode, byte htProtection, boolean nongreenfieldHtStasPresent, boolean obssNonHtStasPresent, byte channelCenterFrequencySegment2, boolean dualBeacon, boolean dualCtsProtection, boolean stbcBeacon)
      Constructs an HTOperationElement using the given field values.
      HTOperation​(byte primaryChannel, byte secondaryChannelOffset, boolean staChannelWidth, byte channelCenterFrequencySegment2)
      Constructor with the most used parameters.
      HTOperation​(String htOper)
      Constructs an HTOperationElement by decoding htOper.
    • Field Detail

      • primaryChannel

        public final byte primaryChannel
        Channel number of the primary channel.
      • secondaryChannelOffset

        public final byte secondaryChannelOffset
        Indicates the offset of the secondary channel relative to the primary channel. A 1 indicates that the secondary channel is above the primary channel. A 3 indicates that the secondary channel is below the primary channel. A 0 indicates that there is no secondary channel present. The value 2 is reserved.
      • staChannelWidth

        public final boolean staChannelWidth
        Defines the channel widths that can be used to transmit to the STA. With exceptions, false allows a 20 MHz channel width. True allows use of any channel width in the supported channel width set. See 802.11 for exceptions.
      • rifsMode

        public final boolean rifsMode
        True if RIFS is permitted; false otherwise.
      • htProtection

        public final byte htProtection
        A 0 indicates no protection mode. A 1 indicates nonmember protection mode. A 2 indicates 20 MHz protection mode. A 3 indicates non-HT mixed mode.
      • nongreenfieldHtStasPresent

        public final boolean nongreenfieldHtStasPresent
        False if all HT STAs that are associated are HT-greenfield capable or all HT peer mesh STAs are HT-greenfield capable; true otherwise.
      • obssNonHtStasPresent

        public final boolean obssNonHtStasPresent
        Indicates if the use of protection for non-HT STAs by overlapping BSSs is determined to be desirable. See 802.11 for details.
      • channelCenterFrequencySegment2

        public final byte channelCenterFrequencySegment2
        Defines the channel center frequency for a 160 or 80+80 MHz BSS bandwidth with NSS support less than Max VHT NSS. This is 0 for non-VHT STAs. See 802.11 for details.
      • dualBeacon

        public final boolean dualBeacon
        False if no STBC beacon is transmitted; true otherwise.
      • dualCtsProtection

        public final boolean dualCtsProtection
        False if dual CTS protection is not required; true otherwise.
      • stbcBeacon

        public final boolean stbcBeacon
        False in a primary beacon. True in an STBC beacon.
      • basicHtMcsSet

        public final byte[] basicHtMcsSet
        Indicates the HT-MCS values that are supported by all HT STAs in the BSS. A bitmap where a bit is set to 1 to indicate support for that MCS and 0 otherwise, where bit 0 corresponds to MCS 0.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HTOperation

        public HTOperation​(byte primaryChannel,
                           byte secondaryChannelOffset,
                           boolean staChannelWidth,
                           boolean rifsMode,
                           byte htProtection,
                           boolean nongreenfieldHtStasPresent,
                           boolean obssNonHtStasPresent,
                           byte channelCenterFrequencySegment2,
                           boolean dualBeacon,
                           boolean dualCtsProtection,
                           boolean stbcBeacon)
        Constructs an HTOperationElement using the given field values. See 802.11 for more details.

        For details about the parameters, see the javadocs for the corresponding member variables.

      • HTOperation

        public HTOperation​(byte primaryChannel,
                           byte secondaryChannelOffset,
                           boolean staChannelWidth,
                           byte channelCenterFrequencySegment2)
        Constructor with the most used parameters.
      • HTOperation

        public HTOperation​(String htOper)
        Constructs an HTOperationElement by decoding htOper.
        htOper - a base64 encoded properly formatted HT operation element (see 802.11)
    • Method Detail

      • matchesForAggregation

        public boolean matchesForAggregation​(HTOperation other)
        Determine whether this and other "match" for the purpose of aggregating statistics.
        other - another HT operation element
        true if the the operation elements "match" for the purpose of aggregating statistics; false otherwise.
      • matchesHtForAggregation

        public static boolean matchesHtForAggregation​(String htOper1,
                                                      String htOper2)
        Determines whether two HT operation elements should have their statistics aggregated.
        htOper1 - a base64 encoded properly formatted HT operation element (see 802.11)
        htOper2 - a base64 encoded properly formatted HT operation element (see 802.11)
        true if the two inputs should have their statistics aggregated; false otherwise.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object