Class RCAConfig.StationPingerParams

  • Enclosing class:

    public class RCAConfig.StationPingerParams
    extends Object
    StationPinger parameters.
    • Field Detail

      • pingIntervalSec

        public int pingIntervalSec
        How often to ping each station, in seconds (or 0 to disable) (STATIONPINGERPARAMS_PINGINTERVALSEC)
      • pingCount

        public int pingCount
        The number of pings to send to each station (STATIONPINGERPARAMS_PINGCOUNT)
      • staleStateThresholdMs

        public int staleStateThresholdMs
        Ignore state records older than this interval (in ms) (STATIONPINGERPARAMS_STALESTATETHRESHOLDMS)
      • executorThreadCount

        public int executorThreadCount
        Number of executor threads for ping tasks (STATIONPINGERPARAMS_EXECUTORTHREADCOUNT)
    • Constructor Detail

      • StationPingerParams

        public StationPingerParams()