Class RRMConfig.ModuleConfig.ConfigManagerParams

    • Field Detail

      • updateIntervalMs

        public int updateIntervalMs
        The main logic loop interval (i.e. sleep time), in ms (CONFIGMANAGERPARAMS_UPDATEINTERVALMS)
      • configEnabled

        public boolean configEnabled
        Enable pushing device config changes? (CONFIGMANAGERPARAMS_CONFIGENABLED)
      • configOnEventOnly

        public boolean configOnEventOnly
        If set, device config changes will only be pushed on events (e.g. RRM algorithm execution, config API calls) (CONFIGMANAGERPARAMS_CONFIGONEVENTONLY)
      • configDebounceIntervalSec

        public int configDebounceIntervalSec
        The debounce interval for reconfiguring the same device, in seconds (or -1 to disable) (CONFIGMANAGERPARAMS_CONFIGDEBOUNCEINTERVALSEC)
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfigManagerParams

        public ConfigManagerParams()