Class UCentralKafkaProducer

  • public class UCentralKafkaProducer
    extends Object
    Kafka producer for uCentral.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UCentralKafkaProducer

        public UCentralKafkaProducer​(String bootstrapServer,
                                     String serviceEventsTopic,
                                     String serviceType,
                                     String serviceVersion,
                                     long serviceId,
                                     String serviceKey,
                                     String privateEndpoint,
                                     String publicEndpoint)
        bootstrapServer - the Kafka bootstrap server
        serviceEventsTopic - the uCentral service_events topic (required)
        serviceType - the service name
        serviceVersion - the service version
        serviceId - the service ID
        serviceKey - the service key
        privateEndpoint - the private service endpoint
        publicEndpoint - the public service endpoint
    • Method Detail

      • publishSystemEvent

        public void publishSystemEvent​(String event)
        Publish a service event.
      • close

        public void close()
        Close the producer.